Tuesday, August 17, 2010


My gosh.  Be prepared for some gorgeousness (Is that a word?)!
Lucy is just a beautiful girl.
I was wanting to swear with happiness when editing these photos
because she is so stinkin cute.
And Lucy is turning one at the end of the month!
Happy Birthday Lucy!
Copyright 2010 Kara Simmons Photo, all rights reserved.


Unknown said...

OH.MY.GOSH!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE These!! She is the cutest girl ever!! love her blue eyes and dark hair

Heather said...

What a gorgeous little girl!!! LOVE the pictures!!

The Staples Fam said...

I LOVE the pics Kara!! Seriously there are so many that I just have to print up! You did such a good job! Thank you so much!!

Anonymous said...

This little girl needs to be a baby model. Her features are so unique and PERFECT!!! She is so pretty. The shape of her eyes!!! Amazing...