Thursday, August 12, 2010


Get your newborn baby boy fix now!
Blake was such a chill baby.
He was wide awake at the beginning of the session
and then went right to sleep for us without a fight.
Get this, he didn't even go potty or you know what on any of the blankets!
Nothing short of a miracle when dealing with newborns.
Don't you love all of his hair?
What a sweetie that Blake is!


The Augustus' said...

great job! i love these!

Heather said...

Holy freakin' crap. What a precious little baby. I can't believe how tiny he is. Fabulous job. I LOVE these pics!!!

Kristen said...

He is a cutie! LOVE the hat! Other than the ones in the hat my fave is the third one down. Great job again Sis!

Unknown said...

what a cute little guy! love the hat too!