Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The Tripp Family.

Usually I am an animal lover,
but on photo sessions animals hate me lately!
First it was the dog incident a couple of weeks ago
and at this session with the Tripps,
I swear the baby cow was going to ram me if the fence wasn't in between us
and this rooster kept following me and then starting flapping it's wings really wildly!
What's the deal animals?
I'm practically a vegetarian.
You should love me.

But who cares that animals hate me when
I get to photography another gorgeous family?
Zurie was an angel baby. No joke guys.
No fussing or anything!
Just happy to be there and smile for us.
You can see pictures of her a few months younger here.
I absolutely love this first one of Adam and Melanie...

1 comment:

The Rindi's said...

SO CUTE!! Mel if you read this I love these you guys are such a cute family!! And Kara of course I love these you always do such a good job!! I can't wait until we get ours done!!