Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Smith Family.

Here's my oldest brother with his adorable family!
I am so glad we got to spend some time with them
this summer before they take off to Kansas City
where he just got a big hot shot job.
Sniff, sniff!
Oh and there is none of Talan (the baby) in this post because he deserves
a whole post himself he is that cute.

Copyright Kara Simmons Photo, all rights reserved.


Kristen said...

That last one & the one with Jants running is so cute! What a cutie family! Love them Smiths!

Unknown said...

Kara you are amazing! We love all of them! I am going to do another post of some of my other favorites just because I think you did such an amazing job! So many people keep asking me who took them. I hope you get a lot of new clients because you really have a great talent!

Heather said...

Those pictures are so stinkin cute! What a gorgeous family!!! You are so awesome!!!