Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Meet the Stouts.


This little family gets their family photos taken all the time by me.
But for free babysitting,
it's well worth the trade!
Plus, they are pretty darn cute.



Unknown said...

Love them!! Great Job kara.oh and I just love kristen's leg stance in some of the pictures...if that makes sense. But you are wearing frigging adorable shoes so I am glad you are showing them off! ha. such a cute family!

Kristen said...

Thanks again sista! I am totally getting the better end of this deal cause I get to watch my cutie niece as payment! You on the other hand have to deal with my crazy Eme and try and get her to smile! I don't think many people would love that trade!
Oh, and Janel it IS all about the shoes! That is the only thing I super loved about that outfit! Gotta show them off and "try" to make my legs look skinnier! Now if I could just do something about looking so dang white next to my daughter!

McCall said... for mother's day my mother-in-law took libby to JCP to get her pics done b/c jared told her that's what i'd been wanting. hmmm...not so much what i had invisioned but, i guess, nice?? ugh. anyway, i'll want to do them again so maybe when she turns 1 in august. i'll let ya know. sorry.

also, my friend megan wants her 2 yr old's pics taken and said she may be sending you an email cause she likes you blog. ;)