Sunday, April 18, 2010


Meet Zurie!
I have so many favorite pictures from this photo session
so I will just say that every single one is my favorite.
Zurie gave me so many different kinds of smiles and expressions.
I loved it.
She is such a sweetheart and made no fuss with any position I put her in.
I loved that also!
Hope you like them Tripp family.


ThE CrAZy GaTEs! said...

so cute, but I swear I don't see Adam in her anywhere! She's all mel to me. beautiful little thing!

Unknown said...

she is adorable!!! And she totally looks like a Zurie. Good job on the pictures Kara!!

jkzank said...

Oh I LOVE her!! And I LOVE your pics, but what else did I expect? Haha you do such a great job and I need to schedule another family photo this fall!!

jkzank said...

Oops that's from Felisha not Kellee didn't realize I was logged in as Kellee!!