Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Meet my nephew Talan.

I may be biased, because Talan is my nephew, but I think he should be a model
he is that beautiful of a baby!
I bet you won't disagree...

I just love him.  He is such a sweetheart too.


Heather said...

He is so freakin cute! I love his zoolander lips and hair! He has such beautiful dark eyes. You did a great job!

Kristen said...

I think he should be a model too but I guess I am biased also! These pictures are so dang cute! It is weird how he looks so small in the ones on his tummy and then that last one he looks so big! Crazy haired cutie!

Unknown said...

Thanks again Kara! I love them. they are wonderful. I think he should model too...I am totally biased! Love my little monkey!

Cami said...

ADORABLE!! he is a little model and these are so cute. beautiful baby and you did a great job!
it was fun seeing you guys and meeting cute little lydia!
hope all is well!

jkzank said...

Baby model for sure!! Look at all that hair!