Tuesday, March 23, 2010


My niece Kambryn is turning 3!
And isn't she gorgeous?
I'm in love with the sunglasses picture.
Such a little diva this girl is,
and that's what makes her fabulous!
I can't wait until she visits Utah to teach Lydia how to dance again.


Heather said...

All I have to say is that girl is going to be trouble, she is way to cute. Seriously gorgeous! I love the pictures. Great job.

Unknown said...

I am glad you left out the part that it all we had to get her to stay in one spot. I am surprised we even got one picture of her smiling. She was a little stink that day. But again, you work miracles and all of the pictures are fabulous! I love my little diva girl! Thanks Kara!
Oh and I need to send you the video I took of the girls dancing together. TOO CUTE!!

Kristen said...

What a doll! I love how all these pictures capture her personality perfectly! It did make me feel a little better about life watching her have a hard time sitting still for pictures. I still think Eme is worse. You can agree. It is O.K. Should I warn you now that I want to do 3 year old pictures of Eme in 2 months? Maybe we can both try to start preparing ourselves!