Friday, February 19, 2010

Newborn goodness.

Get your fix of newborn goodness with 
these pictures of 
He is such a sweet baby and hardly made any fuss while I was with him.
You can tell his Mama, Jennie, just adores this little guy
when you are around her!
But how could you not being his Mama?
Can't forget about big sister Claire.

Congratulations again to the Bennion family!


Jennie B. said...

Ah!!!! So so so cute! I love those Kara! I'm in heaven. They turned out perfect! Thank you so so much! Can't wait to show them off!

Dody said...

Oh my gosh! Those are so adorable. Of course, I'm their Grammy so you know they have to be adorable. So cute!

ThE CrAZy GaTEs! said...

so dang cute! You are incredible! You should be on the cover of "best most amazing photographers ever!!" magazine.

Kristen said...

K-the one in the hat makes me want to turn back time and get a little newsie hat for Tayds! How flippin cute! The rest are very cute also. Sorry we couldn't help with Lydia that day. Hope it all worked out.

jkzank said...

So cute! It's nice to see some really good baby BOY pics! I swear I only see girl one's. And I agree, that hat is adorable! I'm going to have to use your fab skills in several months!

Utah Funeral Directors Cremation Center said...

I saw these on facebook and love them! Way to go Kara!

clintandmegtucker said...

Those are so cute. I can't wait for you to do Liams! You are so talented!